Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Life and Times of Michael K: A Novel by J. M. Coetzee - Life & Times of Michael K by J.M. Coetzee

First published in 1983 and winner of the Booker Prize. Set in a turbulent South Africa, a young gardener decides to take his mother away from the violence towards a new life in the abandoned countryside, but finds that war follows wherever he goes. From the author of DUSKLANDS and IN THE HEART OF THE COUNTRY.

Life & Times of Michael K by J.M. Coetzee
Upon rewarding Coetzee with the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy praised his "Surprising involvement of the outsider." No outsider in his fiction has greater resonance than Michael K, the protagonist of this subtle, compassionate book. He is simple almost to a fault, hare-lipped, and lives a life of sheer existence. Civil war in South Africa drive he and his mother from their home, and they set out on a pilgrimage of sorts to his mother's pastoral hometown. Nothing works as expected, though, and K is soon all alone in a brutal world the polar opposite of the life he lives in his head.

This is one of the masterworks of Coetzee's oeuvre, and with good reason. It is fast-paced, yet descriptive and surprisingly complex. K could well be a symbol of the old South Africa straining to keep its ideals in an apartheid-torn civilization full of malice, starvation and prejudice. Through brilliant writing we enter K's soul and in it a simple desire for peace. He is almost too delicate to live amidst the wreckage, yet maintains an iron will free from materialism that doesn't change the world, but has a profound impact on everything he comes into contact with. Highly recommended.

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