Friday, October 16, 2009

Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice From Pregnancy Through the First Year (for Parents of Twins and Multiples) by Cheryl Lage - Helpful and enlightening, even for a mom of triplets

Twinspiration combines guidebook how-to with personal diary to lead mothers through pregnancy and the first year of their twins lives. This carefully laid out book provides an array of information from the basics to the questions you are too afraid to ask with humor and honesty. This is the must have all in one resource for any couple that is expecting twins.

Helpful and enlightening, even for a mom of triplets
I devoured Twinspiration when I was pregnant with my triplets, and then later won a signed copy on a book review blog. I re-read it at that time since my triplets were six months old and we had begun a whole new chapter in our lives. Both times, I was captivated by the nuggets of wisdom that I could immediately apply to my life, and treasured other suggestions that I have tucked away for when they become needed. This is a highly quoted book among my circle of multiple moms. Cheryl Lage is seen as not only a fantastic, humorous and quippy writer, but also as a revered expert on the subject of multiples.

This is a must read!

For More 5 Star Reviews, Complete Product Review and The Lowest Prices Please Visit:
Buy Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice From Pregnancy Through the First Year (for Parents of Twins and Multiples) by Cheryl Lage At The Lowest Price!

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