Scarred by decades of conflict and occupation, the craggy African nation of Eritrea has weathered the worlds longest-running guerrilla war. The dogged determination that secured victory against Ethiopia, its giant neighbor, is woven into the national psyche, the product of cynical foreign interventions. Fascist Italy wanted Eritrea as the springboard for a new, racially pure Roman empire; Britain sold off its industry for scrap; the United States needed a base for its state-of-the-art spy station; and the Soviet Union used it as a pawn in a proxy war.
In I Didnt Do It for You, Michela Wrong reveals the breathtaking abuses this tiny nation has suffered and, with a sharp eye for detail and a taste for the incongruous, tells the story of colonialism itself and how international power politics can play havoc with a countrys destiny.
Eye opening account - explains alot about Eritrean worldview
Very well written book that covers in great detail the Eritrean History from Italian colony through their independence. Michela presents the information in a way that makes you feel the disregard, betrayal and abuse inflicted by the various powers that used Eritrea as a means to an end. I started with no knowledge of Eritrea, and ended with an understanding and passion for the people who have endured so much and persevered for so long.
Buy I Didnt Do It for You: How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation (P.S.) by Michela Wrong At The Lowest Price!
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