Take a trip on the Underground Railroad! Join Eleanor Burns and Sue Bouchard as they guide you through the story of the Underground Railroad. Learn how fifteen quilt blocks may have played a significant role in communication between the slaves and how it helped them on their way to freedom.The book has 168 full color pages with step by step instructions for each of the 15 blocks. There are also directions to make a miniature Underground Railroad quilt. The book contains yardage and cutting charts in addition to fabric identification pages that will assist the quilter in cutting and marking her fabric for this beautiful sampler. Underground Railroad Sampler also includes a color page depicting the Story of the Underground Railroad that can be photocopied onto Photo Transfer Fabric and included in the quilt.
Undergriund Railroad Sampler
I am a Quilter, and I found this book to be a real Eye opener for what went on during the slavery days. I never knew how Quilts were used as codes to direct the slaves to freedom. This book is a real history lesson, that I am so glad to learn about and be a part in helping with the teaching of the slavery days. I was asked by a teacher to make this quilt. She is going to hang it in her classroom for her 5th grade students to make paper blocks, to match the Quilt. The Quilt tells the story. It's AWESOME, and I really enjoyed making it. Thank you Amazon for having this Quilt Book.
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