In A Bull in China, you'll learn which industries offer the newest and best opportunities, from power, energy, and agriculture to tourism, water, and infrastructure. Rogers demystifies the state policies that are driving earnings and innovation, takes the intimidation factor out of the A-shares, B-shares, and ADRs of Chinese offerings, and profiles "Red Chip" companies, such as Yantai Changyu, China's largest winemaker, which sells a "Healthy Liquor" line mixed with herbal medicines. Plus, if you want to export something to China yourself–or even buy land there–Rogers tells you the steps you need to take.
No other book–and no other author–can better help you benefit from the new Chinese revolution. Jim Rogers shows you how to make the "amazing energy, potential, and entrepreneurial spirit of a billion people" work for you.
Specifics on China
It might sound redundant but it's worth saying again. When Jim rogers writes I read him and when he speaks I listen to him.
"A Bull in China" is pretty appropriate for today. And honestly, the concept of "A Bear in America" is equally appropriate.
As China is keeping the Renminbi cheap it also fueled a housing & property bubble in China's leading economic cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Rogers notes that the price of an average apartment in Beijing in 2006 was 13 times the annual average salary of its local residents.
With cheap money, be it cheap for real reasons, or artificially cheap, people have to park their money somewhere. Hence, the bubble(s).
Infrastructure is the big plus for China. Planning well and building fast. This is critical for foreign companies located in China to move product by road to ports.
Rogers travelled throughout China in the late 1980s and in 1988 China didn't have one single expressway. China has since built expressways based on German, American, and Japanese models. At the end of 2006, eighteen years after Rogers 1988 visit with none, China had 28,210 miles of expressways (p. 105).
1. Investing: From Mao Caps to Small-Market Caps
2. Risk: The Perils of Success
3. Companies: Let a Thousand Brands Bloom
4. Energy: Not so Black
5. Transport: Paving the way
6. Tourism: Up, Up, and Away
7. Agriculture: Have You Invested Yet?
8. Health, Education, Housing: Serve the Masses
9. Emerging China: The People's Republic of Tomorrow.
Rogers lists specific companies and profiles them in several different industries. This info is only a couple of years old, but these companies will have to be re-evaluated by any reader that has the interest in doing so.
Worth noting is that while China is and will be the economic power-house of the future it's a controlled society that is afraid of Google and YouTube. Eroding Communist ideology mixed with the currently growing Authoritarian Capitalism in practice, no sense of morality, and rampant greed. Similar to the USA, but with a different form of eclecticism.
Roger's focus is on the economic-sphere. A comprehensive book with lots of details. This is a book for those who want specific information on specific investing.
Buy A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the Worlds Greatest Market by Jim Rogers At The Lowest Price!
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