Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Black Sheep by Bruce Gamble - Son of Black Sheep veteran approves this book.

A sensitive revision of a controversial legend, this book stands out as one of the best extant squadron histories and as a significant contribution to the lieterature on air power.-Publishers Weekly

Son of Black Sheep veteran approves this book.
My father is written about in this book and other people's critique of Gamble's writing in regards to Boynton - especially about being captive - is insulting. Gamble thoroughly researched this book by interviewing LIVING MEMBERS OF THIS SQUADRON, my father being one of them.

Gamble combined official Naval and Marine Corps records along with actual life experiences into this book. For the over all accounting of the 214, this book is as complete as possible and well written. I found myself emmersed in this book from the start and found it hard to put down.

My father was "The Last Sheep Home"(a chapter in the book). He spent 1/4 the time at Ofuna Internment Camp and wieghed less than a hundred pounds when he was "liberated" by a gurney because he couldn't walk. Boynton spent, what, twenty months there and walked out of the war heavier than when he was shot down? Please?! I suggest other people know their subject before offering reviews or leaving Montana.

For More 5 Star Reviews, Complete Product Review and The Lowest Prices Please Visit:
Buy The Black Sheep by Bruce Gamble At The Lowest Price!

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