Saturday, December 5, 2009

Stupid Things Parents Do To Mess Up Their Kids: Dont Have Them If You Wont Raise Them by Laura Schlessinger - Just like my mom said

Following her previous New York Times bestsellers, Dr.Laura Schlessinger, the conscience of talk radio, now addresses an issue near and dear to her heart: the stupid things parents do to mess up their children. Never one to shy away from tough truths, Dr. Laura marshals compelling evidence for the widespread neglect of Americas children and convincingly condemns the numerous rationalizations to excuse it. These are just a few of her hard-hitting points:
  • Dont Have Them If You Wont Raise Them: The cavalier manner in which our society treats child care, not as a matter of intimacy and love, but as a matter of convenience and economics, is deeply destructive to our childrens sense of attachment, identity, and importance.
  • Dads Need Not Apply: Single motherhood may be more acceptable to society, but it is not acceptable to children; nor is it in their best interest.
  • Brave New Baby: In our society, reproductive freedom means anyone can decide to create a life by any means with no, and I mean no, consideration of what is in the best interest of that new human being.
  • Spare the Rod: Children without discipline often become adults with tempertantrums, defiance, rage, depression, anxiety, poor school and work adjustment, drug and alcohol abuse.
Stupid Things Parents Do to Mess Up Their Kids covers all aspects of parenting and also tackles such cultural and societal concerns as abortion, modern sexuality, drug and alcohol use, violence, discipline, and a childs right to privacy.

Just like my mom said
I was scared I wouldn't be a good mother. My mother asked me one question "Will this child know that you love it?" I made a promise to my mother that this child would know EVERY day that it was loved. I listened intently when my daughter was speaking. I answered all the questions that she asked. I gave more attention than was asked for, but not so much I was a helicopter parent. When I entered the room the child was in and I hadn't seen her for more than an hour I bent down, grined from ear to ear, bear hugged the air out of her and ask her two or three questions (adults; if you dared interupt me during this you got a brush off from me.) I was never too busy being a grown up to nurture this little human.

Yes, I did all this. At 16 she still calls me mommy, she is independent but misses me if she is gone for more than three days. I spanked her once out of love when she was under two years of age and we still talk about how much good that did her. I was lucky enough to work and breast feed her at the same time. We discuss everything and make decisions based on what we both want and a little compromise. I dare you to find a more loving, well rounded, happy 16 year old anywhere.

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