Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Organic Chemistry, Fifth Edition Solutions Manual by Simek - EXCELLENT BOOK

Contains full solutions to all in-chapter and end-of-chapter problems.

Im in my second semester of organic chemistry and really struggled the first semester because my prof doesnt ellaborate on anything,likes to keep lectures generalized, and believes its best that we learn on our own through the book. The $250 book we had to buy for the class is so wordy and poorly organized. We usually have 7-8 chapters on one exam (about every 3-4 weeks) and some of the chapters are 80-100 pages. When I study things I like the text or my notes I get caught up on the little things if its not neatly/concisely/clearly written. This book is exactly what I love. It uses many colors to perfectly keep things easily readable. I had read hundreds of reviews (Im not even kidding) about how wonderful Wades texts are and how he teaches it as if you were a little kid--its so true. You seriously cannnot read one of his chapters and not understand. I never use my other text anymore even if I know where the info Im looking for is at. It is seriously one of the best science textbooks I have ever had because of how its formated. He also has great examples in it that are useful....like ones that are often on our labs and on quizes/exams. The end of the chapter summaries are the best thing too. He literally sums everything up by writing all of the equations so everything is all on a couple of pages. Ive photocopied many of the chapter reviews because theyre such a concise and clean form of my notes.

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Buy Organic Chemistry, Fifth Edition Solutions Manual by Simek At The Lowest Price!

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