Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sarahs Quilt: A Novel of Sarah Agnes Prine and the Arizona Territories, 1906 by Nancy E. Turner - A Military Wife Must-Read!

In These Is My Words, Sarah Agnes Prine told the spellbinding story of an extraordinary pioneer woman and her struggle to make a home in the Arizona Territories. Now, in this mesmerizing sequel, a three-year drought has made Sarah desperate for water. And just when it seems that life couldnt get worse, she learns that her brother and his family are trapped in the Great San Francisco Earthquake. A heartwarming blend of stubbornness and compassion, Sarah Agnes Prine will once again capture the hearts of readers everywhere.

A Military Wife Must-Read!
When These is my Words was first recommended to me from a friend, I assumed I was in for a Flowers for Algernon type narrative. The shameless butchering of the English language from the title and first chapter aside, I was pleasantly surprised to find the honest account of a pioneer woman.
Once you get past the first few pages, the narrator's writing - diary style - improves drastically and is less distracting and more endearing.
I was even more surprised to find just how relatable Sarah was as a protagonist. The incredible hardships she faces are astonishing, yet she rises above it all with a cool head and a steady trigger-finger.
As a military wife, I am recommending this to all my friends. Sarah is a reluctant heroine and the epitome of a strong woman. You'll stay up late and get up early to finish this one!

For More 5 Star Reviews, Complete Product Review and The Lowest Prices Please Visit:
Buy Sarahs Quilt: A Novel of Sarah Agnes Prine and the Arizona Territories, 1906 by Nancy E. Turner At The Lowest Price!

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