Friday, November 20, 2009

Software Craftsmanship: The New Imperative by Pete McBreen - A well stated point often over-looked

Pete McBreen presents a method to nurture mastery in the programmer, develop creative collaboration in small developer teams, and enhance communications with the customer. Softcover.

A well stated point often over-looked
Practical software development versus over-engineered software and one of my favorite fundamental building block books ever. The book illustrates the common problems of how we think we're smarter today than we were decades ago .. exemplified by the fact that decades and centuries ago, we trained people up through mentoring, pairing and example across time; while today, people believe if they have a degree from a Big 10/12 university they are due a US$60k salary and the privileges of a king. The book discusses the art of evolving as a practitioner and the associated value versus believing each hurdle crossed demands and merits unbelievable reward at high rates of speed.

Otherwise stated, this book observes the behavioral shifts that have occurred through time enabling many to believe humanity has evolved to such a great extent that we're actually smarter, and more capable - earlier in life. The subsequent logic is supported by the comparison of historical pairing/mentoring relationships starting as an apprentice grunt and having to work your way up to master craftsmen in various trades. Escalation through the ranks to "experienced master" historically required evidential, mentored experience. Today, for some reason, we no longer believe it necessary and give people too much responsibility, too early.

Mr. McBreen nails an issue that few would actually like to discuss I believe .. the fact that in order to construct and deliver artful software solutions to the benefit of the customer, it actually requires an experienced resource who's seen the good, the bad and the ugly.

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