Saturday, November 21, 2009

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare Made Easy) by William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare Made Easy; Parallel Edition)

Here are the books that help teach Shakespeare plays without the teacher constantly needing to explain and define Elizabethan terms, slang, and other ways of expression that are different from our own. Each play is presented with Shakespeares original lines on each left-hand page, and a modern, easy-to-understand translation on the facing right-hand page. All dramas are complete, with every original Shakespearian line, and a full-length modern rendition of the text. These invaluable teaching-study guides also include:

1. Helpful background information that puts each play in its historical perspective.

2. Discussion questions that teachers can use to spark student class participation, and which students can use as springboards for their own themes and term papers.

3. Fact quizzes, sample examinations, and other features that improve student comprehension of what each play is about.

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare Made Easy; Parallel Edition)
This was a great resource while teaching "Romeo and Juliet" last year to my English 1 students. I was able to explain the more difficult passages to them as we read along in the book. I wish that I had the money to purchase this book for all of my students. I plan to use it again this school year.

For More 5 Star Reviews, Complete Product Review and The Lowest Prices Please Visit:
Buy Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare Made Easy) by William Shakespeare At The Lowest Price!

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