Saturday, November 21, 2009

For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence by Alice Miller - To Save the World: This Must Read

Miller explores the backgrounds of extreme cases of self-destructive and violent individuals to further her theories on longterm consequences of abusive childrearing. Her conclusions about what creates a drug addict, a murderer, even a Hitler, stray far from psychoanalytic dogma about human nature. Miller paints a jolting picture of the violent world each generation helps shape when traditional upbringing, with its hidden cruelty, is perpetuated. She also offers a way out by striving to resensitize the child in the adult, to unlock an emotional life frozen in repression.

To Save the World: This Must Read
Alice Miller gives many examples of how "poisonous pedagogy" is the root of all violence in the world. Citing an extensive childhood histories of violent dictators such as Adolf Hitler to child murderers such as Jürgen Bartsch, we are not only able to acknowledge and remember the horrors of our own childhood but can begin to see the terrible consequences of not respecting one's children and taking all of the expressions of their experiences seriously, the horrific consequences of corporal punishment, abandonment and neglect. When reading this book, think back carefully over your own childhood. You may want to do this with the help of a competent therapist who will allow you to express all your own feelings of indignation towards those who verbally or physically abused you, crushed your curiosity, humiliated, terrified, abandoned and/or neglected you even in the most subtle of ways. Only then can you avoid the unconscious repeating of this cycle on your own children.

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